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My Cup of Tea
41d Barnsbury Street, London, N1 1PW T: +447717688513


We are tea specialists, sourcing and blending tea and tisanes from around the world. We started in 2008 with a desire to offer excellent quality teas, and to share our appreciation for world tea cultures. We treasure natural flavours, finding teas that have been harvested and processed with great care andattention, and use the finest herbs in their purest form. Careful sourcing, seasonality, and quality ingredients areessential to us.

Once referring to the brew made from the leaves of the teaplant, the Camellia Sinensis, the word ‘tea’ has taken on a much broader meaning, encompassing many different plants, herbs and flowers. We feel both tea and tisanes deserve to be paid equal attention, and unify them under one roof.

With a background in herbalism and herbal blending, we started making our own tisane blends using exceptional quality herbs in unusual combinations that are inspired by traditional recipes, history and folklore. Our product range has grown to include a selection of speciality teaware, each piece selected with a focus on both functionality and beauty.

In 2014 we opened our flagship store in the heart of London’s Soho, where our teas are available to smell, touch, taste and appreciate. Here we host tastings and workshops with the hopes of imparting our knowledge and passion for tea. Our Soho shop is at the heart of what we do - sharing morsels of tea culture and developing excitement for the undiscovered.